book artist, printmaker & author
Benjamin D. Rinehart

Classes & Reviews
Book Workshops
Altered Books: This class is ideal for those students interested in exploring their own personal vision by using alternative book making methods. We will investigate different constructions by altering an existing book and/or using found objects to create a three dimensional narrative. Technical non-toxic demonstrations will be given in copy transfer, creating malleable images, paper lithography, stamping and various surface treatments that may be applied to any surface. To my fellow "pack-rats", I encourage you to bring all of those miscellaneous drawings, photographs, postcards and any other items to enhance your personal vision. Reference materials will also be available during class. All levels welcome. *A general bookbinding course is recommended before taking this class.
Artist Books: Alternative Structures: This six week course was designed to inspire the artist in all of us. Each student will learn new binding methods and appropriate uses each week. The structures and processes will include; variations on the pamphlet stitch, adhesives and their proper uses, all about accordions, perfect binding, folders, envelopes, portfolios, transfers and whatever else the class is interested in exploring. Since concept plays an important role in book development, bring your ideas and be ready to work. A small amount of time will be devoted to individual projects that you've been anxious to start or complete. My extensive multi-media background will help you gain insight into creating an artist book that you are proud to show! All levels welcome.
Artist Books: Individual Projects: This class is a continuation of "Artist Books: Alternative Structures". The primary focus will be to complete your personal projects. Additional demonstrations about producing an edition, appropriate use of materials, image development and choosing the perfect structure will be discussed every class. Drawing on my multi-media background in printmaking, contemporary bookbinding, painting, drawing & sculpture, I hope to enable you to produce an artist book that you are proud to show off. Bring your ideas to class and be ready to work! *A general bookbinding course is recommended before taking this class.
Bookbinding For Teachers: This two day class is a great for teachers of all grade levels! Come and learn how to make a variety of book structures, including pamphlets, single sheet books, non-adhesive structures, accordions, puzzle books, and simple boxes. Explore various bookbinding techniques of folding, sewing, cutting, and covering books. Even if you have experience this is a wonderful opportunity to meet other teachers in your field, hone your skills, and take it back to share with the classroom. All levels welcome!
Bound & Boxed: With this two day intensive workshop, learn how to make two different structures; a flat back journal or photo album that will be housed in a drop spine box. We will work on both traditional and contemporary approaches to making these "bound & boxed" constructions. Even if you have made books before, this class will demystify the problems that commonly occur. Bookbinding techniques of folding, sewing, cutting, covering, insets, chiseling into boards, cutting window frames and building in 3 dimensions will be discussed in detail. All levels welcome!
Cut, Cover & Stitch: Book Making Made Easy! A great class for beginners! Learn to make four unique handmade books in just one weekend. Explore bookbinding techniques of folding, sewing, cutting, and covering books. During the weekend you will produce one non-adhesive book, a decorative sewn structure, a case bound book used for journals or albums, and a playful little pocket book. Even if you have made books before, you are "bound" to pick up a few new tricks. All levels welcome!
Folded Structures and Pop-Ups: Do you enjoy pop-ups and folded puzzle books, but could never figure out how they go together? This fun class will focus on a variety of pop-up structures that may be implemented into books or used alone. Flexigons from single sheet of paper, moving wheels, carosel books, tunnel books, and pop-ups that slide, fold out or hang on a string are just some of the items you will create in this exciting two day class. Feel free to bring in photocopied images, paper scraps and any embellishments to incorporate into our engineered designs. All levels welcomed!
Holiday Books, Cards & Ornaments! Avoid last-minute shopping! This class focuses on a variety of gift ideas guaranteed to impress. Come celebrate the season with me as you learn to hand-craft several books, holiday cards, paper ornaments and boxes. Origami, pop-ups and flexigons are just a few of the methods demonstrated in this two day class. Feel free to bring in photocopied images, paper scraps and embellishments to incorporate into the designs. A fantastic class for beginners to the experienced!
Snap Shot Structures: Learn how to make two different bound structures; a photo album and a standing double photo frame. These beautiful structures make a great gift or can be used to house all of those treasured moments. We will work on both traditional and contemporary approaches to making these "snap shot" constructions. Bring in your own photos and any embellishments to enhance these unique creations. Bookbinding techniques of folding, sewing, cutting, covering, insets, chiseling into boards, and cutting window frames is discussed in detail. All levels welcome!
Box Workshops
All About Boxes: In this two day intensive workshop, you will learn how to make several different box structures; starting with a simple box and lid, then moving onto a drop spine box. Dividers, enclosures and additional structures may be explored with time permitting. We will work on both traditional and contemporary approaches to making these "boxed" constructions. Even if you have made books before, this class will demystify the problems that commonly occur. Bookbinding techniques of folding, cutting, covering, insets, chiseling into boards and building in three-dimensions will be discussed in detail. All levels welcome!
Boxes With Drawers & Dividers: In this two day intensive workshop, learn how to make a single box structure that has a sliding drawer and dividers to hold your most treasured items. Bring in any ephemera to use for closures or embellishments for a personal touch. Even if you have made books or boxes before, this class demystifies the problems that commonly occur. Bookbinding techniques of folding, cutting, covering, insets, chiseling into boards and building in three-dimensions is discussed in detail. Additional structures may be explored with time permitting. All levels welcome!
Cylindrical Boxes: This two day intensive workshop will show you how to make one cylindrical box structure (similar to the old hat boxes) with divider, tray, and lid. Making this beautiful box is a great way to house your most treasured possessions. We will work on both traditional and contemporary approaches to making this "unique" box construction. Even if you have made books or boxes before, this class will demystify the problems that commonly occur when creating these unique forms. Bookbinding techniques of folding, cutting, covering, insets, chiseling into boards, and building in three-dimensions will be discussed in detail. All levels welcome!
More Uniquely Shaped Boxes: Boxes don't have to have right angles! In this two day intensive workshop you will make two different box structures; a pyramid box with lift off lid and a semi-circle box with hinged lid. These beautiful boxes are great way to house any secret treasure. We will work on both traditional and contemporary approaches to making these "unique" box constructions. Even if you have made books or boxes before, this class demystifies the problems that commonly occur when creating unique forms. Bookbinding techniques of folding, cutting, covering, insets, chiseling into boards, cutting window frames and building in three-dimensions is discussed in detail. All levels are welcome, however previous box making experience is recommended!
Nested Boxes: This two day intensive workshop shows how to make boxes that are nested one inside the other. The finished project is similar to Russion Dolls. This is a great way to hone your skills in box making. Different lid and closure options are demonstrated in the class. We will work on both traditional and contemporary approaches to making boxes. Even if you have made books or boxes before, this class will demystify the problems that commonly occur when creating these unique forms. Bookbinding techniques of folding, cutting, covering, insets, chiseling into boards, cutting window frames and building in three-dimensions will be discussed in detail. All levels welcome!
Polygon Box & Ornaments: Avoid last-minute shopping and make a gift for the holidays instead! In this two day intensive workshop you will make one polygon box comprised of equilateral triangles and several paper ornaments. The box has a lift off lid that is great to house any special treasures. We will work on both traditional and contemporary approaches to making these unique constructions. Even if you have made books or boxes before, this class demystifies the problems that commonly occur when creating unique forms. Bookbinding techniques of folding, cutting, covering, hinging, insets, chiseling into boards, and building in three-dimensions is discussed in detail. All levels are welcome, however previous box making experience is recommended!
The Semi-Circle Box: This two day intensive workshop focuses on a single semi-circular shaped box with hinged lid and pull out tray. This construction is derived and adapted from a traditional cylindrical hat box. Both traditional and contemporary approaches will be used to make this unique box construction. Even if you have made books or boxes before, this class will demystify the problems that commonly occur when creating a unique form with rounded edges. Bookbinding techniques of folding, cutting, covering, insets, molding binders board, and building in three-dimensions will be discussed in detail. All levels welcome!
Unique Box Making: This two day intensive workshop will show you how to make two different box structures; an equilateral triangular box and a cylindrical box (similar to the old hat boxes) with lids. Making these beautiful boxes are great way to house your most treasured possessions. We will work on both traditional and contemporary approaches to making these "unique" box constructions. Even if you have made books or boxes before, this class will demystify the problems that commonly occur when creating these unique forms. Bookbinding techniques of folding, cutting, covering, insets, chiseling into boards, cutting window frames and building in three-dimensions will be discussed in detail. All levels welcome!
Printmaking Workshops
Collagraph: Investigating Surface & Texture: Bring in all of your scraps of paper, cloth, natural materials and any other found objects to create unique images. The prints that are created may be bound in a book, used as a decorative cover or stand alone as one-of-a-kind print. With this form of relief printmaking, participants will gain hands-on experience in all phases of creating a multi-colored image. Using the additive method, several plates will be used to print a variety of images. This one day class will focus on how to design an image, prepare materials for the plate, seal the image, mix inks, plan and execute the printing process. You will learn how to print from the etching press and also by hand, allowing you to work at home with ease. The approach will discuss inventive traditional and non-traditional cutting and printing techniques. All levels welcome!
Contemporary Woodcut: With this form of relief printmaking, participants will gain hands-on experience in all phases of creating a multi-colored printed edition. Using the reductive woodcut method, a single block will be used to print all of the colors in the print edition. The class will focus on how to design an image, transfer the image to the block, cut the wood, mix inks, plan and execute the printing process. You will learn how to print from the etching press and also by hand, allowing you to work at home with ease. The approach will discuss inventive traditional and non-traditional cutting and printing techniques. In keeping with this collaborative medium, each student will be asked to "swap & trade" their prints for a complete class portfolio. All levels welcome!
Monoprints & Pressure Printing: With these direct and spontaneous forms of relief printmaking, participants will gain hands-on experience in all phases of creating a multi-colored one-of-a-kind print. You will make a variable edition as well as unique prints that may be used in a multitude of ways. The class will focus on how to design an image, color and mixing ink, additive/subtractive methods, stenciling, and executing the printing process using both water and oil-based inks. You will learn how to print from the etching press and also by hand, allowing you to work at home with ease. All levels welcome!
Plexi-Glass Etching: With this direct and non-toxic form of printmaking, participants gain hands-on experience in all phases of creating a multi-colored edition or one-of-a-kind print. Lines are scratched or incised onto the plexi-glass. It is then inked and run through a press to transfer the image onto the paper surface. These prints may be used to make a book or artist portfolio. The class focuses on how to prepare the plate, design and etch the image, mix ink, prepare the paper, and execute the printing process using both water and oil based inks. All of the printing will be done on the etching press. Methods of printing by hand will also be discussed, allowing you to work at home with ease. All levels welcome!
Relief Printing & Book Structures: We will investigate several forms of relief printmaking including woodcut, monoprints and collagraphs. Participants will gain hands-on experience in all phases of creating a multi-colored print. Each student will create images that will be incorporated into several book structures. The class will focus on how to design and transfer an image, mix ink, plan and execute the printing process and successfully bind the printed images. You will learn how to print from the etching press and also by hand, allowing you to work at home with ease. The approach will discuss inventive traditional and non-traditional printing techniques, as well as a focus on contemporary images that will be creative, spontaneous and direct. All levels welcome!
Painting Workshops
Watercolor Painting: A Portable Medium: This class provides an introduction to watercolor painting by exploring color theory, color mixing, brushwork, technique, composition, modifiers, and alternative washes. Sample sheets will be created in conjunction with two completed paintings for practice and visual reference. Students are given detailed instruction to better understand, explore, and practice both traditional and contemporary methods in watercolor painting.
"Ben is really informative and follows the student to the end." "The range of projects & processes is Fantastic!" "Great instructor (friendly, knowledgeable, kind, & patient!)." - Cut, Cover & Stitch
"Ben's a wonderful, upbeat & patient teacher & so knowledgeable. Thank you for providing such a wonderful learning experience." - Artists Books: Alternative Structures
"...we were encouraged to experiment & play." "...his willingness to share." - Altered Books